LEAD NC Institute is a non-partisan 501(c)3 organization working to seek out, encourage and cultivate a new generation of community and civic leaders for North Carolina. We provide training and leadership development for North Carolinians who strongly support the following ideals:
All of North Carolina’s children deserve access to a quality and equitable public education that is adequately funded, as guaranteed by the state Constitution.
Both private enterprise and government are essential for creating opportunity and growth, and our economy should work for everyone, not just those at the top.
In order to provide energy that is critical to North Carolina’s economic growth and well-being, we must develop cleaner, more renewable forms of energy while protecting our natural resources and ensuring a healthy and safe environment for current and future generations.
People have the right to decide if and when they will have a child, and everyone has the right to parent the children they already have in safe environments and healthy communities.
The unique mission and purpose of government is to promote the public interest and help create a high quality of life and community well-being.
LEAD NC Institute seeks to cultivate leaders who adhere to the following principles:
the ability to work with diverse communities, across race, class, sexual orientation, and gender identities
ability to discern between right and wrong, a willingness to act on that discernment even at personal cost, and to openly/publicly stand for that which they believe to be right
the ability to be honest, to consistently keep commitments, and to be held accountable
willingness to take action on behalf of others even at great personal cost
LEAD NC Institute is committed to creating a non-partisan leadership development model that works to address structural and racial inequities. This commitment includes not only LEAD NC Institute’s responsibility to recruit and train a cohort of leaders that reflect the changing demographics of North Carolina, but also to develop a greater understanding among civic leaders of inequalities based on race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and citizenship.